NYCM Network Outage
Oct 26 at 01:33pm BST
This is now resolved, the root cause was redundant fibre rings from our provider were both cut however we established they had these from the same provider and will implement additional connectivity.
Affected services
New York City (US)
Oct 25 at 07:34pm BST
We see connectivity being restored and awaiting final confirmation the issue is resolved.
Affected services
New York City (US)
Oct 25 at 05:14pm BST
Unfortunately we do not have any further updates apart from the one posted here:!/case-detail/5004z00001tVV9sAAG/TTN-0007089358/
We must stress there is no loss of data or any power outage, it is purely a network outage affecting connectivity and once restored your VM will be back online in the existing state.
Affected services
New York City (US)
Oct 25 at 10:34am BST
We have been informed the maintenance to resolve this has been extended till 10:30 Eastern Time.
Direct updates can be followed via!/case-detail/5004z00001tVV9sAAG/TTN-0007089358/
Affected services
New York City (US)
Oct 25 at 08:35am BST
Due to a fibre break between major DC facilities there is currently large outage affecting our NYCM data centre.
This is purely network issue which we have received estimate time to resolve within the next 2 hours.
Affected services
New York City (US)